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Monday 28 March 2016

The Midnight Story

This night is amazingly beautiful, because I can literally compare myself with the moon, lonely and still. It’s midnight and cold outside and I am on my bed trying to sleep, but loneliness struck me at the most unexpected time. The night is calm, dark and lonely just like me and it’s astonishing that this solitude is not  a stranger, it’s quite familiar to me, like we meet every day.

I have always tried to replace loneliness with busy, so when I say I have been working the whole day, perhaps that’s because my mind is working overtime to calm down the fire that my heart has lit.

The thing about late night is, it always comes with questions, not like what’s your favorite  TV show, but like how many scars more I would have to add to make me believe that am strong?  Or like how deep is too deep when I have to say ‘am deeply in love’.

I have never been able to explain loneliness to anyone, not even to my close one’s, maybe I don’t want to because some days I absolutely admire its presence. It lets me see far beyond what my eyes can. It lets me open all my rough edges I’ve been curling all day to fake people how smooth my life is going.

Some  days I spend loneliness with pen and paper, the words coming out through them wrap me in their arms and comfort me, while someday words injure me more than what swords could do. This night I choose comfort.

I found positivity in solitude. I discovered that deep thoughts are often the chaos that linger in our minds. On the journey of searching inspiration for my imagination, I have reached a paradise of unsaid stories that definitely needs my attention.

Cheers to solitude!  
Good Night 