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Sunday 14 February 2016

The Sunset Story

It’s been half an hour am sitting on my terrace. I see the sun setting down and birds chirping and flying back to their shelters. Kids are finishing up their games,  men and women returning to their homes, excited about meeting their family after an exhausting day. Illuminating street lights are eradicating darkness, bells of temple are ringing, even my mother just finished doing prayer and now she  is all set to watch her favorite daily soap.  

The wind is blowing softly, it's very soothing and making every tree giggle by its touch. The cool winter breeze is really amazing and comforting because it is wrapping me with belongingness, like putting a fish back to the water, like releasing birds out of the cage, like letting a child have mouth full of candies, like liberating the mind from all worries.
The sunset and wind are playing a spectacular duo, I wish I could pause the time.

We all want to be happy, but we fail to realise how happy we are.  Sometimes eyes are not enough to see. It is really glorious to sense how a rough hectic day ended so peacefully.

Stop complaining, start enjoying!



  1. Very Refreshing.. keep going

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